Handle Slip and Fall Incidents This way in a Shopping Centre
Thanks for surfing through our website. Todays blog will help you the customer or patron of a shopping centre or retail store on how to handle slip and fall or any other incident at the shopping centre effectively and get a positive outcome!
Also, don’t forget to read other shopping centre safety tips blogs.
Incident to Report: While you are at the shopping centre and you are involved, witness or experience an incident, I will advise if possible not to leave straight away. Call to speak to centre security and report the incident straight away. The security guards will make an incident report, and if possible, they will store any CCTV footage capturing the incident.
Mistakes people often make is that they return to the shopping centre many days after to report an incident, and by then the centre no longer has CCTV recording of the event as most Shopping Centre CCTV storage only holds footage for 30 days.
Pets: As I mentioned earlier most shopping centres’ have got a ‘No pets allowed inside Policy.’ Always be careful when you leave your pet’s inside your car. I have seen a situation where an overzealous patron forces their way into someone’s car to remove a pet, even though the windows of the vehicle have been appropriately winded down for the pet to have enough ventilation, so my suggestion is to leave your pet at home if possible.
Customer Services Desk: Most shopping centres have customer service or guest service desks. Such desks are not just to make enquiries of how you can locate certain stores, but to also make reports.
The enquiry desk staff are there to assist customers who might have lost or left their mobile phone at home, or a having flat phone battery, and they allow you to make phones call or call a taxi.
Some customer service desk also sells shopping centre specific gift cards and sometimes they even give free retailer’s discount vouchers. If you require emergency assistance or got any questions to ask, please head to the customer service desk and they will assist you.
Centre Management (CM): As the name is self-explanatory, they manage the shopping centre and oversee its operations and making sure every patron, customer, retailer, contractors etc. all have a safe and enjoyable time while at the centre.
You want to inquire about leasing a store or get a casual leasing space? The go-to place is the Centre Management, take note most CM is mainly open Monday to Friday regular business hours.
Centre Management is also able to assist patrons who are having issues with any retail store, where security guards are unable to resolve such matters. For serious enquiries, complaints that you think security or customer service haven’t satisfactorily answered, please see centre management.
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Retail Security Guard: The retail security guard at the shopping centre is mainly there because of you, ‘the customer,’ they are there to assist and listen. The centre management can’t do it all on their own, so that’s why they hire the security guard to assist; next time you are at your local shopping centre say hi to the security guard. The average security guard in a shopping centre walks about 12-15 kilometres per shift, sometimes they walk twice the average daily distance.
Some of the security guard duties are to listen to the customer, assist with customer queries and give direction, attend to first aid incident, escort customer to their cars if they feel unsafe, help find customers car if they can’t remember their exact parking spot, evict unruly patrons, and write down customer complaints and pass on to management.
Another additional piece of advice, if you regularly visit a shopping centre, try and get the centre Security contact number, you never know when it will come in handy.
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Retail Shopping Centre Security Services Provides in Melbourne and Sydney
Security Concepts Services is a retail security company that specialises in providing shopping centres with retail security guard, retail loss prevention officers, and retail stores security. Please contact us today for a free risk assessment and quote or visit our website to see the other security guards services that we provide. Call 1300 044 989 or visit http://n7j.16e.mywebsitetransfer.com
Written by Job Moses