Good Security Officer Book To Read | Benefits of Being a Security Guard

Security Officer Training Manual

Good Security Officer Book To Read | Benefits of Being a Security Guard


The book Security Adventure Service is one of the best information-packed books for Security Guards, Loss Prevention Officers, and Crowd Controllers wanting to learn exciting, new, and unique security skills! Also, this book is a must-have for any individual wanting to become a security officer or read exciting true stories of security guards or the benefits of being a security guard!

Whether it is incidence response, conflict resolution or security guard customer service technique, this book is the right security manual for any security officer or someone wanting to be a security officer. The information is easy to read and filled with real-life stories, shared to educate the reader with true operational scenarios.

This book is recommended for Security Training Schools, Security Companies, Security Trainers or any individual or current Security Guard wanting to improve their skills.


If you are not fully convinced if being a Security Officer is for you, then please get a copy of this Book ‘Security Adventure Service.’ It was recently written by a Security Officer, and it contains practical everyday true stories, encounters, and duties that a typical Security Guard goes through every day. After reading this book, it will help you make a better decision of whether being a Security Officer is the right career move for you.


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Contact Security Concepts Services today for a discounted bulk purchase or find it on our Shop, Amazon, Apple and Google Bookstores. Also, you can read free limited copies of this book on Amazon Kindle.


Good Security Officer Training Manual


The author of this first-of-its-kind security book is the Managing Director of Security Concepts Services, an expert security professional who has many years of security industry experience.

This book is not an ordinary Security Guard training manual, it’s a motivational book, a book that leaves its readers with information never shared before in any security book or manual before.


This book aims to build the security guard or professional to be the best they can be, by delivering exceptional security and customer experience to all patrons, clients and workmates.

Also, not just to be the best security officer they can be, but understanding that the concept of hard work gets rewarded above mediocrity and cronyism in the long run, and a good name is better than riches because a good name attracts wealth.

To so many wanting to join or be a security officer, this book’s aim is to give you answers, expose security as a noble employment in a way that you have never been told before, and it will help you make informed decision whether to be a Security Guard, Loss Prevention Officer, Crowd Controller, or Security Officer.

As a Security Guard Employer, Security Guard Contractor, or if you are training Security Guards, Security Officers, Loss Prevention Officers, or Crowd Controllers, this book will cut your work short.

I recommend that every one of your Security Employees or Security Trainees be given a copy of this unique Security Training Book, Security Training Manual to read, or better still get a single copy and let your Security Employees or Trainees have a read and let them decide if it’s worth getting a copy for themselves.


To learn more about the author of the book, who is also a motivational speaker and also runs a unique security guard company in Melbourne as well as writing other books and security industry articles, please google the name Job Moses and you will see more information about the author and other newspaper publications about the author in Victoria, Australia.


If there ever is a case as a Security Guard where an individual demeans you because of your job, or they assume your job is easy or they undermine your job, I recommend you get them of copy of this book and am very confident after they read it, they will give you and your security job more respect. The book tries to highlight the risks, dangers, troubles, and situations a private security guard goes through before they earn a living and also shows that the private security guard is an unsung hero. They are also as good as a First Responder because they often respond to emergency situations first before the Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade comes to take over.



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